Packaging Key:
(A) = Aerosols, (Q) = Quarts, (B) = Bulk: Gallons, Pails, Drums
(SP) = Special Packaging: Tubes, Fiber Drums, Pound Cartons, Pints
Patching Compounds |
SUPERIOR (Crack Filler)
Order Code: CRC-600 |
Packaging: B |
A rubber-based crack filler that is safe and easy to use. Requires no heating. Penetrates to the bottom of thecrack. Remains pliable for the contracting and expanding of the asphalt or concrete. |
BLACK TOP (Pothole Patch)
Order Code: CRC-601 |
Packaging: SP |
A ready to use non-heat patching compound that is used to fill potholes in streets and parking lots. Can be used in any temperature and can be used on asphalt or concrete. Excellent adhesion and wear. |
ALL-TERRAIN (Epoxy Concrete Patching Kit)
Order Code: CRC-608 |
Packaging: SP |
A 100% Solid Epoxy Concrete repair kit. Packed in a 5-gallon pail that is used for a mixing container. All-Terrain is a three-part premium resurfacing epoxy and patch for concrete floors. All-Terrain is stronger than other patches, featuring a compressive strength of 11,900 PSI. All-Terrain resists chemicals and physical wear and tear. Acids, caustics and most solvents will not attack it and even heavy forklift traffic won’t tear it apart. Because All-Terrain is an epoxy which cures via a chemical reaction, apply it as thick as you need to, up to two inches or more! There’s no need for layering. Leaves a non-skid surface. All-Terrain repairs spalled and damaged concrete. Fills in cracks and holes.